My husband and I have planned a European trip for our 20th anniversary this summer and I am looking for a bag to carry that I can use as a carry-on on the plane as well as something I can use while we hike and site-see. Can you recommend anything durable and all-purpose that would also be stylish and easy to carry?
Kathy M., Fort Mill, SC

A European vacation is a great way to celebrate your anniversary! We have several great bags that give you the comfort and functionality that you are looking for.
One of our personal favorites is the stylish Baggalini Messenger Bag. The strap fits across your chest and the locking zippered compartments keep your valuables organized and safe. There is a large back pocket gives you easy access to magazines and important documents--perfect for the plane. You can even clip your keys into the bag. There is even a concealed pocket in the strap to keep money and your cell phone.
The messenger bag is made of strong and durable MicroFiber nylon -- perfect for a plane ride AND traveling across Europe!
The Travel Guru
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