Monday, December 22, 2008

Adventure Travel: Filtered water bottle

Dear Travel Guru,

My husband and I love adventure vacations. We sail, and mountain bike and hike. We love going on longer vacations and seeing new things each year.

Because we travel so much, we have gotten really good at packing as light as possible, reading subway maps in all different countries, and getting through security at the airports in record time...But the thing that gets us more than anything is water. Sometime we travel in places where we need to drink the water, but sometimes it is hard to trust it.

When we hike, we carry our own water, but this is harder when we go on an international trip, or in some parts of the county where water is not as clean. Can you recommend a water filter that we could easily carry with us so that we don't have to worry about the water quality when we travel?

Ann K, Denver, CO

Dear Ann,

It sounds like you lead quite an adventurous life! Please check out our adventure gear on the website.

For less than $25, you can have that peace of mind, and pure fresh drinking water any time you want.

We offer the the Aquamira® filter bottle -- a simple, convenient way to get clean water when hiking or traveling, which I think is perfect for you. All you need to do is fill the bottle, insert the filter and drink.

This nifty and affordable filtered water bottle removes contaminants down to 2 microns, including Giardia, Cryptosporidium and E.Coli. The filter cartridge is refillable and treats up to 50 gallons of water with the Miraguard™ Antimicrobial technology-- suppressing the growth of bacteria, algae, fungus, mold and mildew within the filter media... (yuck!)

So this filter/bottle combo will elimination of 99.9% of harmful giardia, cryptosporidium and other pathogens, and the thick-walled porous plastic filter provides greater effectiveness and longer life than common thin-walled filters. The activated carbon reduces waterborne chemicals and improves taste.

The easy-to- carry water bottle holds a generous 22 oz and is a standard size that fits into bicycles holders for that mountain bike trip. The bottle even has a protective mouthpiece to keep airborne contaminants from attaching themselves.

In short -- this is the water bottle for you!

Any other questions? Just me me know.

Happy Trails!
THE Travel Guru

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

ProTravel Tip: Avoiding Jet-Lag

Dear Travel Guru,

My whole family is taking a trip to Hawaii this spring, but I am really worried about jet lag going and coming. Do you have any tips or tricks that will help all my family members adjust to the time zones changes?

Brianna G. New York to Hawaii!

Dear Brianna,

A Hawaii trip will be a lot of fun--but it can be rough dealing with the time zone changes for sure! Mentally and physically, travelling long distances can take a toll. Frequent travelers have all sorts of tips and tricks for avoiding jet lag, or at least making the adjustment as easy as possible, and saving those precious hours for vacation fun, and certainly here at ProTravel Gear... we have tried them all!

The first thing to know is "the why"... jet lag occurs when your body’s biological clock does not correspond with local time. Essentially we all become in-tune with the time where we live because of sleep patterns and sunshine. When you travel across time zones, you confuse your body and it wants to "re-boot."

Jet lag sufferers report feelings of insomnia, irritability, headaches and dizziness, sore muscles, loss of appetite and stomach and indigestion problems. And none of this is any fun, so if you can lessen the affects, you will be a much happier vacationer!

Jet lag varies depending on the duration of the flight, the time zones crossed and the overall health and fatigue of a person’s body.

One way to ease jet lag is to choose flights that correspond to local time, and leave as much time in the day at the destination as possible, so you can walk around and enjoy the day light. This will help that internal clock.

There is no one sure way to cure jet lag, but travelers can try a few different strategies to help overcome jet lag, including getting plenty of sleep before your trip, adjusting your eating patterns in the days prior to the flight and getting plenty of rest on the flight. Never underestimate the power of a nap!

Limit the amount of caffeine and alcohol you consume during the flight, opting instead for juice and water so you stay hydrated. And avoid big meals, choosing high protein snacks such as raisins, nuts, granola bars that will help your body recover. There are also some homeopathic jet lag remedies on the market that may work for you.

When you arrive get that natural light if possible, and if you do end up arriving at night local time, try to go to bed--even if you are not really tired. Do what you can to get on a "local" schedule so that any affects of the Jet Lag are nipped in the bud, and you can go enjoy your vacation!

I hope that this helps - enjoy your Hawaii trip!

The Travel Guru
Jet Lag Expert (Seriously!)

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.

Monday, December 15, 2008

ProTravel Tip: Getting ready to go

Dear Travel Guru:

Before I go on a big trip, I always get really anxious and overwhelmed. I have even chosen not to go on trips, because of all of the preparation that has to happen. Do you have any advice to make trip preparation go smoothly?

Shaina G.

Dear Shaina,

Oh please don't pass up the opportunity to travel just because of the stuff you have to do before you go! Traveling is one of the great joys in life!

You can make getting ready to go more laid back, just by working through a check-list. By writing down everything you need to do, you won't get overwhelmed with the details.

For the travel plans themselves:
1) Book the flight
2) Book the hotel
3) Book transportation

That is the hardest and most expensive part usually. Do that and you are well on your way!

After that start your packing list. As the travel time gets closer, write things down as they occur to you, but wait until at most a week before to start packing, since weather or your needs may change.

If you are traveling internationally, you may have to call your credit card company to insure that they will work oversees. Check your balance, so you know what your spending limit will be and also take out cash for use as tips, emergencies, and places that won't take the card.

Arrange for your mail to be help or picked up by a friend, and pay any bills that will come due as you are away.

Write out any emergency numbers you will need:
1) The rental car company
2) Family members
3) Neighbor or pet-sitter
3) Doctors
4) Airline numbers
5) Any other contacts you may need while you are away


Write out a list of numbers your family/friends will need:
1) Your cell phone
2) The cell numbers of anyone you are traveling with
3) The hotel number or number for the place you are staying
3) Vet (if you have pets)

Include your flight information and travel itinerary on this list as well.

Set up pet or home care. Leaving emergency phone numbers, food, water, medication if necessary, and treats for your pets and instructions for the person taking care of your home or pet.

Pack maps, guide books, public transportation schedules and itineraries of any activities you plan. Put all of these into a folder. Plan any back-up activities in case of bad weather, like museum visits or shopping areas.

Check the weather a week to 10 days ahead so that you can plan activities and what to pack.

Make reservations for any activities you are planning, such as a tee-time, spa appointment, dinner, shows etc. Call the hotel before your trip and ask the hotel concierge for recommendations if you’re unsure where to book.

Before leaving the house, double check that you have all necessary essentials, such as your passport and/or driver’s license, medications, cash and credit cards. You can always buy another pair of socks as long as you remembered your wallet!

After you have put together your pack list, plan for the first couple days of your trip. It is generally unnecessary to plan to fill every day, but if you have activities, and dining plans at the beginning of the trip, it will give you something to do until you get your bearings. This is especially helpful if you’re traveling somewhere new or to an international city, and will help in case you need to pack the extra pair of dress shoes or athletic gear.

When you arrive, you will want to take a look at local guides and find out what shopping, attractions and restaurants are near where you are staying. Take a walk around your hotel and get familiar with amenities like the spa, fitness center, common areas, swimming pool, restaurants and bars.

Remember that traveling is meant to be fun, exciting, maybe even relaxing! If you methodically go thorough what you will need and what you want to do, then "getting ready to go" does not need to be a hassle, and the pay-off will be a great trip!

Have a great trip
THE Travel Guru

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dream Adventure Trip - Safe Traveling

Dear Travel Guru,

My best friend and I are going on the adventure trip of a life-time. We will be taking a month and traveling all over Asia. We have been planning this since we graduated college 5 years ago and next year we are both getting married.

We need to pack as lightly as possible and also be safe when we travel. What can we bring that will help keep our personal belongings safe, but not take up a lot of room?

Michelle J., Boulder CO

Dear Michelle,

That sounds like a wonderful trip. I wish you and your best friend a great time on your adventure.

For security on long trips we would recommend the Eagle Creek UnderCover Deluxe Security Belt. This nifty comfortable belt has plenty of pockets, but is light-weight, and can be discreetly hidden away under your clothes. This security belt also has a separate pocket for an airline ticket, so is perfect for air travel or walking through a crowded market in Asia!

Please browse through our website for other safe travel gear, and have a fantastic voyage!

THE Travel Guru gear answer man!

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Airline Travel: How to get an upgrade

Dear Travel Guru,

My sister travels for work and she is always bragging about getting a flight or travel upgrade. Why and how is she able to do this?

Katlyn V. Dallas, TX

Dear Katlyn,

Airlines generally give passengers upgrades based on a few standard factors: seat availability, type of fare paid and frequent flier status. It is probably likely that your sister, because she travels frequently and for work, not only knows when to ask, but has a better chance since she is paying full-price and has frequent flier "status, " making her more eligible for the special treatment. But that doesn't mean you can't also take advantage of an upgrade once in a while.

So here is the ProTravel Gear official advice for getting a free (or at least affordable) upgrade on your next flight:

1) Be nice! Ask; never demand the upgrade. They gate attendant does not "owe" you anything and the more you badger and harass, the less likely they are to accommodate you. Be respectful and ask: "Am I eligible for an upgrade today?" If they say "no" -- they mean "no."

2) If your have a frequent-flier program membership, use it. Having the membership is good, but being an elite or top-tier member in the airline's frequent travel program will improve your chances even more. And if your points don't work for this flight, they can add up for the next one.

3) Take your time: board later. After the agent knows if the flight is full (or over-booked) or empty, they may look to, or be more willing to upgrade. So don't rush to be the first one on board unless you need the extra time with a child, or because of mobility restrictions.

4) Look good! Dress well, and you may up your odds of getting an upgrade a bit, but a sloppy appearance will definitely hurt your chances. Look like you should be in first class.

5) The early bird... Arrive to check-in early and request an upgrade there. If you book a flight that leaves early in the day and get to the check-in counter before the crowds arrive you will have less competition for the available upgrades--and you are more likely to catch an agent at the beginning of their shift when they may be in a more generous mood.

6) Timing is everything. Use your common sense and only ask if you can see that the agent is not super busy or having a bad day.

7) Use your frequent flier miles for an upgrade. Just because you have status does not mean you will get an upgrade. So if you've got miles to spare, use them to "buy" an upgrade. But save these extra miles if you are planning on a long or international flight, where the upgrade will be really worth it.

8) Consider how you buy your flight ticket. If you have to fly at the last-minute for work or an emergency, and must pay the full airfare anyhow, ask for a "Y-UP" fare. These are considered non-restricted fares and put you on the short list for an upgrade if one becomes available--(but remember... they are not always available).

9) Who are you? If you work for some types of business (i.e. if you are a minister or work for a humanitarian cause, or work for a company that gets special fares because of frequent flights) you may be given special consideration. But don't abuse this option. You can ask the agent to add an "OSI" (other significant information) message to your passenger record saying that you are the head of a Fortune 100 company, or other VIP.

10) Sometimes you have to pay to play. Sometimes, the simplest way to get an upgrade is to pay for it. Check for available upgrades when booking your flight or at check-in. You might be surprised at how little you'll have to pay to fly up-front. You can also take advantage of promotions that allow you to pay a little to get the upgrade. The airlines offer significant discounts on some routes, so check for these ahead of time.

Hopefully this information will get you that flight upgrade you are seeking.

Happy travels,

THE Travel Guru

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Planning Spa Vacation and Travel

Dear Travel Guru,

My husband and I are planning a much needed "Spa Vacation" this winter. We just found out we are expecting our first baby in the summer, and we want to go away and relax before our lives are happily, but chaotically changed.

We are looking at a couple different places now, but I am wondering if you have any spa vacation travel tips to share--and any travel trips for flying while pregnant.

Thank you very much!

Stacy A.

Dear Stacy,

Congratulations on your upcoming addition. What exciting news! And certainly a spa vacation sounds like the perfect way to celebrate and relax with your hubby.

A spa vacation can calm and sooth your mind, body and soul--and you can find good spas and hotels in almost all price ranges. The only down-side is that you have near endless possibilities, from the upscale hotel in your town, to the beautiful beach resorts in Aruba.

The first thing to consider is your budget. This will determine if you will be going away, or staying local. Next you can decide what is important to you in terms of spa services. Many spas now offer pre-natal massage, which is a great option for you. Other services include pedicures, mud baths, yoga, and salon services.

Remember that saunas and whirlpools are probably out while you are pregnant. When in doubt, ask your doctor.

Relaxation is key, so investigate your spa options online, get reviews and check with the International SPA Association (ISPA) for photos and information on spas around the world. You can even narrow your search by choosing "medical spas," "beach spas," "weight loss spas,"etc. based on your preferences. Think about execise options, nutritional analysis, atmosphere, and types of services.

The most important thing is to enjoy your spa vacation and that you find that tranquility that you are looking for before the baby arrives.

As far as air travel while pregnant goes, the first thing to do is check with your doctor to make sure they feel that you are healthy enough to travel. There is minimal risk when flying when pregnant, but it is always important to address your specific situation with your doctor.

Most airlines do not put any restriction on flying until you are in your last month or so... mostly because they are not prepared to deliver your new bundle of joy in the aisle of business class on the flight from New York to LA! You think it is tough to fly normally--you definetly do not want to do it while having contractions every two minutes.

So as long you as you are cleared to fly, you should know a few things first. You will want to leave plenty of time to travel and in-between flights. It will be harder to dash between terminals while pregnant! And don't be afraid to ask for a ride from the airport staff in those cool little electric carts. That is what they are there for!

On the plane, you should try to get a seat with extra leg room. It is important to avoid getting blood clots, so get up and walk, and wear support stockings (like "travelsox" Travel Socks). Drink plenty of water on the plane to avoid dehyration and remember that this is supposed to be a relaxing vacation, so bring the travel pillow and blanket, (try the Dreamsack Airline Comfort Travel Set) the headphones and music player, and anything that will make you more comfortable while traveling.

Congratulations again and enjoy a wonderful travel and vacation experience--you deserve it!

The Travel Guru

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Winter Travel Trips

Dear Travel Guru,

For the holidays, my family and I are taking a road trip from Charlotte, NC to Pittsburgh PA to see my in-laws and my husband's cousins.

I grew up in Southern California, went to collage in Texas, and we now live in Charlotte. I have really never driven in the snow and I am nervous. My husband will be doing half the driving, but I want to be prepared, both for driving myself, and any emergencies that we might have. Do you have any winter driving travel tips?

Caroline K. Charlotte, NC

Dear Caroline,

Driving long distances, especially in "winter weather" conditions can be quite tricky, most especially if you are unfamiliar with the way your car will react on ice and snow. If you find that you have to drive during adverse conditions, please consider the following winter travel tips:

1. Know the route and pay attention to the weather. A couple years ago I was traveling from New York to Charlotte in February and got caught in a huge storm. We had chosen to go one way because it would be "faster." Instead, we ended up spending 2 extra days in the car! If we had been paying attention to the weather report, we would have seen the storm coming up the East coast and chosen the more Western way, avoided the storm, and gotten to our destination 2 days sooner! Check the Web, the TV and the Department of Transportation road-condition hotlines and consult them every few hours while you’re on the road.

2. Drink plenty of water. With all that rain and snow, it may seem unlikely that you could get dehydrated, but as little as a 1-2 percent loss of body weight can lead to fatigue and reduced alertness. And you need to be as alert as possible to drive in the rain, snow and ice. Bring plenty of water, and remember to drink it! And as an added bonus, all the water might cause you to take more rest-area breaks, which can help you stay alert and allow you to stretch your legs.

3. Eat enough food. In the winter we crave hearty foods: meats, stews, etc. That is because during the winter your body needs more nourishment than it does on a warm summer day. So bring sandwiches, and high-energy foods such as nuts and granola mix. Remember to pack enough for a whole extra day in the car just in case!

4. Pack a winter travel safety box. In your winter safety box, besides a first aid kit, include a blanket, ice scraper, small shovel, and cat litter for traction. You will also want in the car a cell phone, matches, flashlight, "fix-a-flat" and can of lock de-icer.

5. Take it slow. You will need to drive more slowly when the road conditions are bad -- perhaps up to 50% slower-- but don't go too slow, you will need to be moving fast enough to get through the tough snow, and not cause a hazard to the other drivers on the road. When in doubt, pull over and go for a coffee or lunch break and wait until the storm passes over. Better late and safe!

6. Know the car. It is best when driving through the winter weather to be familiar with the vehicle. This is not the time to be driving a friend's vehicle and not know how the car usually handles, and where the windshield wipers are!

7. Know how to recover from skids. On an icy road it is natural to hit the breaks if you start to skid... but be careful. Know if your vehicle has traction control, because the best response may be to break hard OR pump the breaks OR lay off the breaks and gently steer into the direction you want the front of your vehicle to go and don’t touch your to! This is a skill that takes time to learn, and goes to knowing the car!

8. Check the tires. Cold weather reduces tire pressure, so check and fill frequently if needed. Your tire tread depth should be at least an 8th inch, and an investment in good snow tires with lugs may be the best bet if you will be traveling in bad winter weather.

9. Take the rest stop. Winter travel is exhausting and requires you to be alert. Stop frequently to recharge, get food and water and switch drivers often.

10. If you get stuck, stay in your vehicle. If you end up stranded off the road during a storm, it is best to stay with the vehicle as long as you are off to the side, and out of the way of oncoming traffic. Recent tragedies have occurred when a motorist has walked away from their car and gotten lost in the freezing temps. The car will provide shelter and some warmth, and give rescuers something large to find along the road. Make sure your exhaust pipe in clear if you get caught in a drift though, carbon monoxide poisoning can be very dangerous.

Being prepared is key, and you are well on your way, since you are thinking about your winter travel now. Take it easy - bring a bunch of snacks and a safety box -- and you will have a great, and hopefully uneventful drive.

Best of luck!

THE Travel Guru

At, we are dedicated to providing you the best travel shopping experience possible, now even better with free shipping on all orders*. We proudly carry the industry's most recognized brands, like Patagonia, Ex Officio, Eagle Creek, Plane Quiet, and many others. We also offer new gift ideas, expert advice, and resources for trip planning.